In NY State, ESPA knows how to play hardball. Last month, after promises of the Senate taking up Marriage Equality were not realized, GayCityNews reported:
Simply the threat and naming names pushed things along here. Being willing to passionately defend ourselves instead of meekly waiting or being satisfied with White House photo ops makes a difference. This is why I've signed on to the pledge started by (the dashingly handsome) John Aravosis and Joe Sudbay at AmericaBlog not to donate to the DNC until they started walking their talk. Or for that matter talking, since they have retreated from promises made last year before the election. And smartly they call the boycott "Don't Ask Don't Give"
Putting our money on the races with true progressives who aren't afraid is better than spreading it across the DNC or DSCC or DCCC. I'd give to Grayson (and have) sooner than I would ever give money to those other groups again.
Voicing frustration at what he characterized as allies unwilling to walk the walk after the LGBT community’s strong financial support for electing a Senate Democratic majority last year, Alan Van Capelle had warned that if no vote happened on marriage equality, “We can find other friends who will do that job for us and do it faster. We know such friends exist.” Later in his remarks, he got a lot more specific, saying, “The time for lame excuses, for botched maneuvers and simple, plain old foot-dragging is passed... Senator John Sampson, you are the leader of the State Senate. Senator Tom Duane, you have told us on multiple occasions you have the votes to pass this bill. Give us the dignity, the rights, and respect we deserve.”
Asked about Sampson’s reaction on Tuesday to those comments, Van Capelle said simply, “We ended up in a place where we got commitment for a vote. It was a frank conversation and it yielded a good result. Everybody in that room expressed a commitment to work together and stay together to make the bill law by the end of the year."
Duane would only say that the discussion in the room was “passionate.
Simply the threat and naming names pushed things along here. Being willing to passionately defend ourselves instead of meekly waiting or being satisfied with White House photo ops makes a difference. This is why I've signed on to the pledge started by (the dashingly handsome) John Aravosis and Joe Sudbay at AmericaBlog not to donate to the DNC until they started walking their talk. Or for that matter talking, since they have retreated from promises made last year before the election. And smartly they call the boycott "Don't Ask Don't Give"
Putting our money on the races with true progressives who aren't afraid is better than spreading it across the DNC or DSCC or DCCC. I'd give to Grayson (and have) sooner than I would ever give money to those other groups again.
I'm with you on this. Signed the pledge a couple of days ago. I'm lucky to have two actual progressive Democrats representing me, both up for re-election, and they will be getting individual contributions. Power to the checkbooks!
Posted by: Piet | November 12, 2009 at 09:38 PM
Im was lucky — my Congressman used to be Nadler. Then I moved and now it is Rangel, who has become a face for corruption in the party. But I happily contribute to Jerry, and to Grayson, et al.
Posted by: Mark H | November 12, 2009 at 10:46 PM