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April 29, 2009



Hi! I came to your blog via Bhante Dhammika's Dhamma Musings and enjoy reading your blog as well. A lot of interesting things in this post, though I don't understand all the references (though I do have another friend with a blog who has done Counting the Omer). I thought of that style of Japanese pottery with the flaws--do you know what I mean? I've forgotten the name.
Okay, so maybe that takes us through the Jewish and Buddhist categories (not sure if there is really a link between that pottery style and Zen but think maybe)...for the Queer connection, I give you a link to an article by Stephen Fry I just read and liked very much:http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/apr/30/stephen-fry-letter-gay-rights

With best wishes, Suzanne

Mark H

Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your comments. I have a feeling that the Japanese pottery you mean is Bizen-yaki, which is unglazed - the pots are stacked on dried rice sheaves, which on occasion, create a glaze effect that isn't supposed to be intentional. And the "accidental" imperfections that result are considered to be of great beauty.

And thank you for your link to the Stephen Fry. It was very poignant and hit me as true personally, since along with all the signatures with wishes I had in my high school yearbook, I wrote one to myself. As a teen with the not uncommon teen angst and low self esteem issues, I encouraged myself to take heart from all the other things people had written, and to believe them instead of feeling like an impostor. Unlike Fry, I hadn't thought of writing back!

I look forward to more comments and other interesting links from you.


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