Remember the hanky code? Sometime in the 70s gay men starting wearing handkerchiefs of different colors in the back pocket of their jeans. Which side you wore it on signaled top or bottom. Which color signaled a particular practice you were into. Almost as ritualistic as the use of a hand fan by ladies at the opera in the 19th Century. The hanky code seems just as quaint now - a historical relic from another time. Nevertheless, an advertising agency, De Combinatie van Factoren, in Amsterdam picked up on it to create a promotional campaign for a new book about gay life. A team of leathermen, shown in the ad below, went around and handed out the hankys, which read: "I'll read it." and "I'll have it read to me." I always thought Amsterdam was ahead of things. Well. And how did they decide who got what hanky when they gave it out?