Advertising about advertising. Advertising about advertising that sucks up to creative directors. Talk about masturbation. Perhaps that is the point here — a visual pun that manages to give some creative egos hard strokes (though in a very creepy way). Come again?
Maybe this is just an international appeal for Congress (or ad execs) to support adding trans protection to ENDA. With well known creatives (Bogusky, Droga, etc) willing to appear as in the middle of MTF transition. Somehow I think not. Then there's that sort-of rainbow logo. What?
And why isn’t there a foot in wide stance under the wall from the other stall in the D. Droga version? They’re missing an opportunity to be even more scatologically topical.
I have no idea what the point of this work from an Italian advertising, uh, blog? agency? is. But I suppose they might believe they succeeded in getting buzz simply because I am writing it. But this is infantile attention getting in the most tasteless way. It's one thing to be a star fucker, but to be a star masturbater takes things to a whole new level.