Okay, to start Mark Thompson isn't a Jubu, but that doesn't mean he can't be a Queer Jubu Hero! Because he is a pioneering voice in the world of Gay Spirituality. And this month at the LGBT Community Center in NYC, he has an exhibit of photographic portraits of many other queer heroes of mine, including Harry Hay and Ram Dass.
The show is called Fellow Travelers, which given Hay's communist connections has at least two layers of meaning. It's in room 310. I wandered in one day, recently, since I spend a good deal of time at the center every week, and was thrilled to see the leading spiritual lights of our community, honored with this exhibit. And if you haven't seen it, it will be up until April 26th, 2007.
It's co-sponsored by White Crane Institute, which publishes a magazine that explores gay men's spirituality in depth — and has published many articles with the men whose faces grace these walls. Stop by, and say a prayer of thanks that these men do the work they do.